Thursday, May 14, 2009

Picture Overload!

We had a great weekend! That's a little hard to say considering that Jackson was sick Thursday-Sunday, I think the reason it was so great is because of the awesome weather we had! We have had nothing but rain for about 2 weeks so seeing the sun was such a blessing! Jackson came home with a stomach bug on Thursday night and was pretty much out of commission until Sunday was so good to see him eating and playing again! He did wake up this morning saying that he was sore "here" and "here" pointing to his ribs, that can be explained by this:

I think he's trying to catch water in his mouth!

Keeping hydrated!
Aunt Jenny and Uncle Shawn got the boys this slip-n-slide for their birthday and they have been dying to break it out! It only got into the lower 70's yesterday but it was just perfect! They boys had a blast playing on it while Harrison was napping and daddy was tackling the jungle we call our back yard! It had not been mowed since early last fall and it was nearly waist high. Chad spend about 2.5 hours mowing. I think he ended up going over it twice just to chop up the remaining grass even more. Mom came up on Saturday morning and stayed the night with us. She's been wanting to get a new veh for the past several months and couldn't decide between the GMC Acadia and the Toyota Highlander...she finally decided on the Highlander and it is NICE! She was nice enough to let me sneak out for a few hours on Saturday and get my massage the boys (Chad) got me for mothers was awesome...I had a masseuse the size of Shaq and I think she might have even been Swedish!
I was finally able to get my flowers potted that the boys helped me pick out on Mother's Day. I think a few of them died...I don't know anything about flowers so I don't know if they'll resprout a new bloom or not...I guess we'll wait and see. Here's Gray posing with one of the pots.

So after all the slippen', slidin', and lawn mowin' the boys gave my car a much needed bath...this was Harrison's first car wash and I think he really enjoyed it. Thanks to my favorite men for a great weekend!

This was the ONLY picture I managed to get with all 3 of them! HA!

Gray moved on to his toys when he was done with my car.

And then, Chad looked into the garage and found Jackson doing least this is what he's taking away from the movie Kung Fu Panda! It could be alot worse!

Jackson, trying to get centered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun day! Those Bartlett boys know how to enjoy and take advantage of sunshine. . .Lori..great pictures!