Oh Yeah! Do a little dance....
Hmmm, what are they up to?
No pants, a dirty shirt, a "sassy"and to top it off he's wearing socks!!!!!
(you didn't really think there would be any naked babies on here did you?)
Jackson, Grayson & Harrison
No pants, a dirty shirt, a "sassy"and to top it off he's wearing socks!!!!!
(you didn't really think there would be any naked babies on here did you?)
T-Ball that is! Last night was Jackson's first T-ball game and he had a blast. I'm hoping that he sticks with it better than he did the soccer that we just finished up! We have 14 kids on our team so the "innings" were kind of long, it was fun to watch these kids because they were all playing for the first time. Some started running the wrong way, some couldn't really hit the ball and others could already slide into home plate! In the video below you can see how Jackson attempted to slide, it's more of a jump & fall....he tried though! We have 2 girls on our team, 1 of which is bigger than most of the boys! Somehow we always get stuck not getting a real mascot....in soccer we were the Crew, now we are just JR Ball (Contracting)....we don't even get a dog or a beaver on our hats, just some letters! Oh well, there will be plenty of time for that in the future! It was quite a chore last night because Chad is the coach so he was on the field with the kids, Gray was running around with his dirt bike toy playing in the dirt, up and down the bleachers. Harrison of course was not going to sit in the stroller so I was having to keep him from running onto the field, up the bleachers, into the concrete "hand ball" court.....it was fun but tiring. Jackson had a bathroom emergency in the middle of the inning, thank goodness he was in the dugout and not on the field, I had to practically run across the ballpark, pushing H & G in the double stroller across the mud, hoping that I didn't fall on my hynie, all the while PRAYING that Jackson made it to the potty, he had to go #2! The fact that he was running with his hand on his bottom as if he were holding it in was not comforting. We made it though and then 20 minutes later I had to take G back! Why don't they ever have to go at the same time? We are having a BEAUTIFUL week so far here in NWA, I think it's going to hit 80 today! We have another game on Thursday so maybe I can get something planned so I'm not running all over the ball-park! Hope everyone's having a great week! Here are some pics from last night.
Concentrating during pre-game practice
After the game, running off the field...(wrong setting so pic is blurry!)
Easter '06--1 yr old
His first worm! April 6th, 09