Monday, April 27, 2009

Fun with Water and Naked Babies

Strike a Pose
Another week, another T-Ball game...a few pics of that. The ball park has a lot to it, including a playground and a volleyball court...we ended up at the latter on Thursday.
Fun in the sand!
We had a fun weekend! The boys and I ventured out on Saturday, we drove down to a trail near our house, the boys with their bikes and Harrison in his stroller. We rode, we walked, we pushed, we strolled. It's that time of year where there are caterpillars everywhere so we counted those along the way...just the live ones, not the ones smushed into the pavement...there were 20 in case you're wondering! :) Lot's of people out and it was a
B-E-A UTIFUL DAY! We crossed a bridge along the way and the boys got to look over and see all sorts of things, fish, a turtle and a couple of geese. Gray made it about half the way and then wanted to walk so I put his bike in the back of the stroller. He alternated between walking and riding on the top of the stroller. We ended up walking for about an hour and a half. The boys really enjoyed it so I'm sure we'll do it again! I didn't even think to bring my camera, my focus was the walking I was going to get in and I did get a pretty good work out, by the end I WAS pushing 2 kids and pulling a bike :0. After Chad got home on Saturday we pretty much stayed outside, playing in the yard. I mowed the front lawn and Chad mowed the back while I grilled chicken and sweet peppers...they turned out really good, the sweet peppers that is. Sunday was a long day, the boys got us up by 8 so we had a good start on the day! After breakfast Chad took the boys outside so I could start mopping the kitchen, when I went to put my new mophead on the mop I realized it was the wrong one so I sent Chad to Target to get the right one...he had 2 little helpers go with him so while they were gone Harrison and I took advantage and took another nice walk. It was already really warm by then and I ended up with a little pink on my arms and face. After our walk H and I stopped at the park so he could "side" (slide)...he's starting to talk so much! So cute! The rest of the day was pretty much outside playing in the yard...Jackson and Gray decided they wanted to play in the spinkler at about 5:30 so we hooked it up and let them at it. Jackson jumped right in but it took Gray a few minutes. Harrison didn't get in. You'll notice in the picture of him that he is stylin'! He had a really bad diaper rash so a lot of his time was spent running around with no diaper at least he has that on in the picture! You will also notice the little tummy that jackson has acquired over the past few months...I haven't gotten new swim trunks for the boys yet and as you can see, Jackson are a little tight! He didn't mind though, he was running around like a mad man! It was fun to watch.
We are getting ready for the boys birthday party on Saturday. I went shopping today for a few things for goody bags...hope they like them. Can't wait to see all the family that's coming up!
Not. Quite. Sure.

Oh Yeah! Do a little dance....

Hmmm, what are they up to?

No pants, a dirty shirt, a "sassy"and to top it off he's wearing socks!!!!!

(you didn't really think there would be any naked babies on here did you?)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


T-Ball that is! Last night was Jackson's first T-ball game and he had a blast. I'm hoping that he sticks with it better than he did the soccer that we just finished up! We have 14 kids on our team so the "innings" were kind of long, it was fun to watch these kids because they were all playing for the first time. Some started running the wrong way, some couldn't really hit the ball and others could already slide into home plate! In the video below you can see how Jackson attempted to slide, it's more of a jump & fall....he tried though! We have 2 girls on our team, 1 of which is bigger than most of the boys! Somehow we always get stuck not getting a real soccer we were the Crew, now we are just JR Ball (Contracting)....we don't even get a dog or a beaver on our hats, just some letters! Oh well, there will be plenty of time for that in the future! It was quite a chore last night because Chad is the coach so he was on the field with the kids, Gray was running around with his dirt bike toy playing in the dirt, up and down the bleachers. Harrison of course was not going to sit in the stroller so I was having to keep him from running onto the field, up the bleachers, into the concrete "hand ball" was fun but tiring. Jackson had a bathroom emergency in the middle of the inning, thank goodness he was in the dugout and not on the field, I had to practically run across the ballpark, pushing H & G in the double stroller across the mud, hoping that I didn't fall on my hynie, all the while PRAYING that Jackson made it to the potty, he had to go #2! The fact that he was running with his hand on his bottom as if he were holding it in was not comforting. We made it though and then 20 minutes later I had to take G back! Why don't they ever have to go at the same time? We are having a BEAUTIFUL week so far here in NWA, I think it's going to hit 80 today! We have another game on Thursday so maybe I can get something planned so I'm not running all over the ball-park! Hope everyone's having a great week! Here are some pics from last night.

Concentrating during pre-game practice

Good hit, first try!

After the game, running off the field...(wrong setting so pic is blurry!)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Baby

It all started on April 14th, 2005. Chad, Jackson and I were hanging out at the house after work that day. Chad and I decided we wanted to make taco's for dinner but we didn't have all the fixin's so Chad headed out to the grocery store, which was like 5 minutes away. The ONE time in his life that he should have grabbed his phone and he left it at home! So Jackson and I were playing in the LR, I was sitting on the couch, on the very edge and jackson came running up to my very pregnant belly and kind of bounced off of it, that along with my position on the couch was just enough to break my water! It's so funny looking back now what a panic I was in, you know how they say that each labor will be faster than the one before, well the one before was like 21 hours so I shouldn't have expected anything soon but I started to freak because Chad wasn't home. I called my parents, his mom...I called my friend Melissa because she had volunteered to watch Jackson when this happened. I think by the time Chad got home,everyone but him knew! By the time we got on our way to the hospital it was about an hour after my water broke...I started having some pretty intense contractions. The hospital was about 30 minutes from our house and I remember telling Chad that I wasn't going to make it, he had to drive faster, so we're flying down the interstate with our lights flashing, no telling how fast we were going, it's amazing that we didn't get pulled over. So once we get to the hospital the nurse is like "okay, we have to test you to make sure your water DID break", another nurse walks behind me and says, "put her in a room, her water broke all right"...I had been riding with a towel between my legs and another under me and by the time we got to the hospital they were both soaked. One thing for you to remember if you haven't had a baby yet...if your water breaks, as apposed to "leaks", it will make a mess! Oh, I forgot to mention that I had just been in for my check up that same day and was like 1 cm. The dr was expecting to have to induce me the next week. So, after all the hullabaloo that goes on, I got comfy with my epidural, mind you I was going to try to do without one but after a few hours when they told me I was only at 3cm, I knew I wasn't going to make it. All the next morning I was having major back labor and could feel everything so the anesthesiologist came in to readjust my epidural. It didn't help much, I was still hurting really bad. When it was finally time to push the dr checked me...the reason I was having such pain was because Gray was turned face up with the back of his head on my backbone. The dr also discovered that in the past 17 hours ...yes, that's right, 17hrs Gray had flipped himself and was breech and face up. If anyone uses Willow Creek then you probably know Dr Seal, tiny lady...thank God for that because with those tiny little hands she was able to turn Gray to position him head down! After an hour of pushing our little Grayson Conor was born on April 15th at 12:19pm!

Easter '06--1 yr old

As stubborn as he was in his birth, he has stayed that way ever since, especially in the 2 yrs since he's been the "middle child"! Gray would never go to sleep in his own bed, for the first year of his life he slept in his swing, once he outgrew that he started sleeping with mommy and daddy. To this day he goes to bed in his own bed but ends up in our bed sometime during the night. Those of you who know us, know about his hair fetish....he is always playing with my hair at night, this is his comfort mechanism. We've tried different stuffed animals and such over the past few years but he still prefers the real thing! He started having night terrors when he was just a little over 2. We had his tonsils/adenoids out last year and that has had no effect on his sleeping or behavior. Gray may be little but he is quite the spit-fire and can take care of himself. Always' the picky eater, he sometimes chooses not to eat at all, not because he doesn't like what we're having necessarily, but he just doesn't want to eat. (He actually has an appointment later this month to address some of these issues.) Gray is the only one of the boys that is really good playing by himself. The other 2 like to have someone there with them but Gray can get a motorcycle or a race car and play for hours on his own (except of course today while I'm working from home and he wants me with him in the floor!). Mommy had a stomach bug yesterday and Gray had it when he got home from school so the poor kid is spending his birthday having bouts of the cha-cha's at home with mommy! Other than that, he feels fine. We love you Gray Gray! Happy Birthday!!!

His first worm! April 6th, 09

Sunday, April 12, 2009

6 Years and Counting!

Six years ago today I married the love of my life! It had been a long time comin' since we had been dating since I was 16 and a junior in high school! Chad and I started dating on Labor day weekend back in 1993, it was a forbidden romance given that he was "dating" my best friend at the time. Dating is a strong word, more like he was pining for her and she took advantage of that in every way that she could. Don't get me wrong, she was a great friend to me but I didn't appreciate the way she treated him, at all. The more I got to know Chad, the more I liked him and hated how she was using him, so when she went out of town for the weekend, I made my move. See, sometimes it does work out when the girl makes the first move! After being together for 16 years now I can honestly say that our love is stronger every day. We have been thru alot in the past 6 years, including having 3 beautiful little boys. Chad is definitely the rock in our relationship and he should get a medal for having to put up with me, the emotional roller coaster that I am. Chad, I know I don't tell you enough but I love you and appreciate you so much! You are an awesome husband and a wonderful father to our boys. Happy Anniversary. Here's a trip down memory lane over the past 16 years!

Always Your Lori.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Baby Talk

So for the past several weeks I've been trying to get Harrison to say "I Love You" at night when I put him down. He knows the rhythm and would try to say it but it just wasn't coming out. So today I got off work early so I picked him up from Woody's myself. On the way back to the house I was talking to him and I said to him "say I love you"....and he did! Clear as day, it was so cute, so I immediately say, "oh, you're so cute" and he repeats that also! right when we got home I sat him down and made this video, excuse the messy playroom in the background. We are taking the boys to the park and then daddy has a surprise for them later tonight...will blog again later about that. Enjoy the video!